The birth of Jesus means a new birth within ourselves. He is born anew anytime our hearts are opened up to love.

What does the story of Christmas really mean to us, in our daily lives?

Is the holiday a symbol, or is it significant to your life’s journey?

Is it something that happened long ago, holding little practical relevance to my life today — or is it a portal to both mental empowerment and spiritual illumination?

Just as we are often told that every character in a dream is an aspect of who we are, so it is with the story of Christ. Mothered by our humanness and fathered by God, humanity today is giving birth to a new version of ourselves.

The star of Bethlehem, even in the midst of this darkened and precarious moment, illuminates a new path forward.

As Mary is a facet of your own inner Self, what will you give birth to in the manger of your soul?

Joseph is the divine masculine, navigating the material world while we are going through the process of transformation.

Christ represents the truth of who we are, born again into the world anytime when our hearts are opened up to love.

The three kings represent the powers of the world, which bow before us when we are centered in our truth.

Herod represents the ego mind, always seeking to destroy our innocence, our love, our spiritual power.

As Marianne shares the metaphysical meaning of Christmas, experience the aspect of yourself that has long been asleep — awakened by God and told you’re going to give birth to something miraculous and new. 

The evolution of the human race means the actualization of our divine potential. A metaphysical Christmas is a portal through which evolution can take a great leap forward.

What does that mean to you, in a practical sense? And what could it mean to the world?

In this Digitsl Seminar you’ll explore:

  • The meaning of the Christ mind as it relates to your own psyche
  • The spiritual slumber from which Mary was awakened, and how it is mirrored in our own lives
  • How your willingness to allow love to flow through you is the rebirth of Jesus into the world
  • How Jesus broke the ego’s spell — and what it means for him to break it in you
  • What it means to each of us for Jesus to be as alive today, in consciousness, as he was alive two thousand years ago
  • And much more…

A Letter From Marianne

Dear Friend, 

With the holidays approaching, we’ll be tempted to focus on things in the material world that have little to do with what Christmas really means.

A mindful rather than a mindless holiday means looking beyond its superficial trappings, to the spiritual gift that lies inside.

That’s why I will be hosting a special online seminar called A Metaphysical Christmas, creating the opportunity to dive deep into the inner dimensions of the birth of Christ and its practical relevance to our daily lives.

Is the holiday a symbol, or is it significant to your life’s journey? Is it something that happened long ago holding little practical relevance to your life today, or is it a portal to both mental empowerment and spiritual illumination?

I hope you’ll join me for a day of deep inquiry into your own life, discovering how Christmas this year can be a portal to your own rebirth.

Yes, Jesus was born as a man two thousand years ago — but every time we open our hearts in love, he is born again into the world.

The path of love is the path of Jesus, and the path of Jesus is the path of love. May your experience this Christmas be a living proof to you of what that means.

Marianne Signature

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with Marianne Williamson

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We do not offer refunds on our 1-day events.

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You’ll need a computer or mobile device.

Will the sessions be recorded?
Yes, recordings of the live sessions are posted within 24 hours. When you register, you will receive a password to the webpage where you will access videos of the teachings once they are available.
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Yes, a limited number of scholarships are available. You can contact support for more details.

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Marianne Williamson


Marianne Williamson

For more than four decades, Marianne Williamson has been a leader of spiritually progressive circles. She is the author of 16 books, four of which have been #1 New York Times best sellers. A quote from the mega-bestseller A Return to Love, “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure…” is considered an anthem for a contemporary generation of seekers.

Her other bestsellers have included A Woman’s Worth, The Law of Divine Compensation, Tears to Triumph and The Gift of Change. With her books and online classes she has taught millions of people the universal spiritual principles at the heart of miracle-minded thinking.

Williamson founded Project Angel Food, a non-profit organization that has delivered more than 18 million meals to ill and dying homebound patients in the Los Angeles area since 1989. The group was created to help people suffering from the ravages of HIV/AIDS. She has also worked throughout her career on poverty, anti-hunger and racial reconciliation issues. In 2004, she co-founded The Peace Alliance and supported the creation of a U.S. Department of Peace.

Williamson’s latest book, titled THE MYSTIC JESUS: The Mind of Love, is online and at bookstores everywhere.